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Kaufhof to become StadtQuartier Schloßstraße – purchase contract concluded

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“StadtQuartier Schloßstraße”: After 5 years of standing vacant, the former Kaufhof complex in Mülheim an der Ruhr is set to be redeveloped.

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08/19/2015 | Kaufhof to become StadtQuartier Schloßstraße – purchase contract concluded

A purchase contract for the Kaufhof site was concluded last week between Heinz-Joachim Hoffmeister and a project company – StadtQuartier Schloßstraße GmbH – belonging to Fortress Immobilien AG, Düsseldorf, and GRS Beteiligungen... more

06/30/2015 | “StadtQuartier Schloßstraße”: After 5 years of standing vacant, the former Kaufhof complex in Mülheim an der Ruhr is set to be redeveloped.

Since the start of 2015, in cooperation with the real estate service provider Mülheimer Wohnungsbau eG (MWB), the project company StadtQuartier Schloßstraße GmbH has developed a plan to convert the Kaufhof complex that has been... more